@KTzone » 遊戲 - 電視遊戲討論 » Grand Theft Auto V暫定2011年尾發售!

2011-6-24 16:07 CJ君人
Grand Theft Auto V暫定2011年尾發售!

GTA Fans rejoice! The latest version of the [url=rd.php?url=aHR0cDovL3d3dy5hbWF6b24uY29tL3MvcmVmPW5iX3NiX25vc3M_dXJsPXNlYXJjaC1hbGlhcyUzRGFwcyZhbXA7ZmllbGQta2V5d29yZHM9Z3JhbmQgdGhlZnQgYXV0bw][color=#0000ff]Grand Theft Auto[/color][/url] game, GTA 5  is slated for release later this year and promises to be huge improvement on its predecessor. GTA 4 was widely ridiculed as the worst edition of the cult game franchise. Gamers worldwide have eagerly awaited the new version and have even put out wish lists for what they’d like to see as part of the fifth edition.

The loudest shout out is for a first player mode, something that none of the previous GTA editions have featured. We’re hoping that Rockstar heads the call and, with GTA 5, gamers finally get to feel like they’re actually getting in the mix. It would undoubtedly add that final, all important, element of interactivity to GTA’s gaming experience.
Other upgrades on the GTA 5 wish list include better AI in terms of the driving speeds, braking distance, better weapons and character creation section. The standard city layout seems to have lost its charm with gamers calling for a more rugged environment, like the unpredictable cities in Latin America. Another idea that frequents gamers’ forums is to have a multi-city layout with improved travel and weather AI.

GTA 5的升級願望清單包括更好的AI在條件的駕駛速度,制動距離,更好的武器和人物創建部分。標準的城市佈局似乎已經失去了它的魅力與玩家呼籲更惡劣的環境,如拉丁美洲等不可預知的城市。另外,該作是有一個多城市佈局與提高旅遊和天氣的系統。 One stand out idea was to move GTA 5 back in time to the gangster heydays of the 60s with classic cars like the Cadillac DeVille and weapons, like the infamous Tommy gun!
Not surprisingly there are requests to include better police AI and weaponry in GTA 5.  Gamers are always looking for a challenge! Close on the heels of the cops are the lovely GTA ladies. To get completely into the feel of the street, some gamers want the whole range of to be a part of GTA 5!
These are just some of the proposed ideas for GTA 5. If even half of the wish list finds its way into the final game, then you’d better brace yourself for some serious action!

其中脫穎而出的想法是移動 GTA 5時光倒流到黑幫鼎盛時期的60年代經典車如凱迪拉克德維爾和武器,如臭名昭著的衝鋒槍!
GTA 5有包括更好的警察和武器裝備的AI。玩家一直在尋找一種挑戰!合上高跟鞋的警察是可愛的GTA女裝,玩家會獲得完全進入街頭的感覺。

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