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Tutors wanted
2009-1-12 19:44
# 1
有經驗導師請到 http://tutorpro.hk/signup.html 註冊。如能以英語或普通話作教學語言更佳。
Experienced tutor please register at http://tutorpro.hk/signup.html. Using English or Mandarin as the teaching language is preferable.
Tutorpro 匯師教育除了提供中小學全科、中學公開試及大學專科補習導師中介服務外,還有英文專業試(IELTS/TOFEL)、外語學習、數理電腦、樂器教學等多項補習中介服務。如有查詢,請致電 6764-2575 陳先生、6764-2576 江先生或 6764-2577 譚小姐洽談。
Tutorpro provides a quick and easy tutor search on primary school, secondary school (including public exam preparation), and university, as well as IELTS/TOFEL, foreign language, mathematics, computer, and music. If you have any enquiry, please call Mr.Chan at 6746-2575, Mr.Kong at 6764-2576, or Miss Tam at 6746-2577 for more information.

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如有任何建議請電郵到[email protected]

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